As a specialist in the fight against climate change, Orygeen was born out of a desire to participate in the collective energy transition effort while increasing the competitiveness of economic players.
Orygeen, a reference partner for companies
The company offers its B-to-B clients wishing to reduce their carbon footprint to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 or 2050 to formalise, implement and finance the various stages of their energy transformation in a sustainable manner. To date, more than 200 companies in France and Europe have already placed their trust in the company.
Orygeen’s activities range from the strategic study, the energy audit and the engineering phase to the implementation of the works, their financing and the follow-up of the results. We thus help companies to :

reduce their energy consumption

migrate to renewable energy

offset remaining carbon emissions
The values of excellence, commitment, eco-responsibility, team spirit and customer satisfaction have enabled Orygeen to establish itself as a reference partner in the energy and environmental transition of companies.
The history of Orygeen, committed to serving companies and our planet
Created in 2017, Orygeen aims to help companies fight climate change and ensure their energy transition. Orygeen was born from the conviction of its founder Jean-Pierre Riche that the fight against climate change, competitiveness and sustainability were inextricably linked for companies.
Orygeen is associated with 3J-Consult, a Belgian company that has been active in the energy sector for more than 35 years and is a key player in the field of industrial heat engineering, as well as with the EverWatt group ecosystem.
To support its development, Orygeen benefits from both the expertise of its teams and the financial and human resources of EverWatt, the accelerator investor.
Integrated player in the accompaniment of the Territories towards carbon neutrality through its expert activities in the energy transition, EverWatt is made up of more than 100 enthusiastic employees who form a team with multidisciplinary talents spread across different operational entities.