Francenergies, expert installer in energy performance

Francenergies: an expert installer for energy performance

> Orygeen Group > Branches > FRANCENERGIES
Specialist installer in energy performance

Created in 1999 and bought by Orygeen at the end of 2017, FRANCENERGIES is an expert installer in energy and environmental performance, as much for professional buildings as for the residents. FRANCENERGIES subscribes to voluntarist and dynamic steps to put into place its expertise, advice and accompany its clients in the regions of Rhônes-Alpes, Franche-Comté, and Occitanie. Its 40 collaborators follows its clients from three agencies, situated respectively in Chambéry, Besançon and Rodez.

FRANCENERGIES intervenes on different levels: renewable energy production, heating, plumbing, electricity.

The answers provided are always part of a global vision of the real customer’s constraints and needs.

. The multi-competence of the participants and the developed expertise of FRANCENERGIES’s companions have been awarded numerous certificates: Quali’Gaz, Quali’PV, Quali’Bois, Quali’Sol. Beyond guaranteeing the quality of the services, it also allows the customers of FRANCENERGIES, renowned Environmental Guarantor Installer (RGE), Qualifelec and Qualibat, to obtain tax reductions.

About Orygeen:

Orygeen's branches: Sunvie
Orygeen's branches: 3j-Consult