Francenergies, an expert installer of energy performance
Created in 1999 and joined the Everwatt group at the end of 2017, FRANCENERGIES is an expert installer of energy and environmental performance for both professional and residential buildings. Francenergies is part of a proactive and dynamic approach to implement its expertise in the Rhône-Alpes, Franche-Comté and Occitanie regions. Its 40 employees support their customers from the company’s 3 agencies, located in Chambéry, Besançon and Rodez respectively.
FRANCENERGIES relies on more than 20 years of experience in renewable energy to meet the needs of companies and individuals. Its teams of multi-skilled technicians are regionally recognised for their efficiency in the implementation of sustainable energy solutions.
Les expertises de FRANCENERGIES
The answers provided are always integrated within a global vision of the problem and the real needs expressed.
The multi-competence of the people involved and the expertise developed by FRANCENERGIES companions have been rewarded by numerous recognised certifications : Quali’Gaz, Quali’PV, Quali’Bois, Quali’Sol. In addition to guaranteeing the quality of the services, this also allows FRANCENERGIES’ customers, who are recognised as an Environmentally Responsible Installer (RGE), Qualifelec and Qualibat, to obtain tax reductions.
Energy transition experts :