Confidentiality and personal data policy
Welcome to the website www.orygeen.eu (which henceforth will be referred to as the ‘Site’).
This confidentiality and privacy data policy has as a goal to inform you about the terms and conditions of the gathering and processing of information concerning you within the framework of the Site.
The processing of data of a personal nature gathered on the Site is implemented by the company Orygeen according to the provisions of the regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Counsel of 27 April 2016 applicable as of 25 May 2018 and of the Law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 modified, according to technology, files and liberties.
Orygeen uses the data gathered on the basis of legitimate interest for the supplier, notably for commercial prospects and marketing operations destined for clients and prospective clients. Without the communication of this data, Orygeen would be unable to offer and sell its services.
Orygeen furthermore endeavours to personalise its services in order to better respond to the expectations of its clients or prospective clients. Within this framework, Orygeen can directly or indirectly gather, with the consent of the physical person concerned, data not strictly necessary to the implementation of a contract, in order to better know its clients and prospective clients and enable them to offer more pertinent deals. To do this, Orygeen is equally susceptible to use navigation data gathered on the Site or on the website of partners and to associate them with other data.
The process data is kept for the period necessary to the realisation of the final steps previously described, within the limits of the current prescribed deadlines, and are destined for the internal services of Orygeen, its partners, the authorised third-parties with legal or regulation clearing, as well as administrators of the distribution networks.
You can ask for access, more information, rectification, deletion, limitation or portability of your processed data by Orygeen, with the intended conditions of the regulation, by written to the following address:
Orygeen – Client Services
2A, rue Danton
92120 Montrouge
or by email, by clicking here.
To assert your rights, you must prove your identity by joining a copy of your national identity card to your demand.
You can oppose yourself to the processing of this data for commercial ends, within the conditions intended by the regulation, to the same address.
You can equally withdraw your consent at any time, even if you have previously given your consent for the collection and use of certain data.
Aware of the needs and expectations of its clients and prospective clients, Orygeen uses cookies.
The term ‘cookie’ covers various trackers registered or read on a computer, a tablet, or the mobile phone of a user, for instance when consulting a website, publicity or software. A cookie is intended to collect information relating to the navigation of the user. This information can be used to different ends, for example improving navigation, defining statistics, notably to measure the traffic on the website, or possibly the display of targeted publicity adapted to the areas of interest of the user.
Cookies are generated by your internet browser.
Orygeen cookies: are cookies deposited by Orygeen on your device to respond to the navigation needs, the optimisation and personalisation of the services on the Site.
Third-party cookies: are cookies deposited by the third-party companies (for example partners) to identify your areas of interest and eventually personalise the publicity offers addressed within and without our Site.
They can be deposited during navigation on the Site or during the viewing of the newsletters sent by Orygeen.
Within the framework of partners, Orygeen ensures that partner companies strictly respect the laws of computing and freedom of 6 January 1978 modified and committed to put into place the appropriate measures of security and protection of data confidentiality.
At any moment, the user of the website can oppose himself to the deposit of cookies on his device and eventually deactivate the cookies already deposited; he can equally ask Orygeen not to be the subject of profiling for commercial ends by exerting his right to oppose in written to the following address:
Orygeen - Client Services
2A, rue Danton
92120 Montrouge
or by emailing, by clicking here.
To assert your rights, you must prove your identity by joining a copy of your National Identity Card to your demand.
It is possible at any moment to choose to deactivate the cookies.
The browser can equally be configured to signal the cookies that have already been deposited on a computer and ask the user to accept them or not.
It is possible to accept or refuse the cookies case by case or to refuse them systematically.
This configuration is susceptible to modify the access conditions to the content and services offered by Orygeen which requires the use of cookies.
The opposition to the installation or the use of cookies will be taken into account by the installation of a ‘refusal cookies’ on your device. It is therefore important not to delete this refusal cookie so that your choice may be taken into account.