Roadmap to carbon neutrality
Corporate social responsibility now includes a climate component that is unavoidable. Why set carbon neutrality objectives? How to approach this energy transition? What should be the scope of action? Should we set objectives for 2030 ? 2050 ? Should we invest in renewable energy?
The objectives of companies must be in line with the Paris Agreement, which sets the ideal target for global warming at 1.5°C by 2100. It is also possible to have one’s objectives certified, for example by the Science-based target initiative.
Many states have already introduced or are introducing a carbon price for individuals and/or companies. The aim of this regulatory development is to make greenhouse gas emitters pay for the cost of public policies aimed at combating or adapting to climate change. This economic weight will naturally increase in the coming years, especially within the European emissions trading scheme.
For their part, investors are increasingly interested in extra-financial reporting, in the forefront of which the actions of companies in the fight against climate change hold an increasingly important place. Emerging systems of reporting and climate rating of industrial investments are already being deployed in many sectors. They are expected to become economy-wide by 2030.
What is carbon neutrality ?
To be carbon neutral, a company must put in place a greenhouse gas emission reduction plan and a carbon offset plan. The objective is to ensure a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and the capture of carbon sinks stimulated by the company’s activity. The two components are linked and should ideally be designed together.
A carbon sink is a biosphere capable of absorbing and storing CO2. The most common investments are in the development of climate resilient forests that can restore biodiversity. Other types of projects, such as sustainable agriculture, are also being developed.
How to map out your roadmap to carbon neutrality ?
A well-constructed carbon neutrality project requires experts in many fields: energy optimisation, renewable energy deployment, product value chain analysis, knowledge of support and financing mechanisms, technical and economic projections from 2030 to 2050, and control of carbon absorption projects.
Orygeen supports you in :
Define a strategy tailored to your ambitions with clear objectives aligned to your agenda
Robustly measure the impact of your activity on climate change
Establish a roadmap and an action plan to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, incorporating numerous levers adapted to your activity
Offset your residual emissions within the scope you have defined
Benefits for people and the environment
Involvement in the fight against climate change cuts across many other issues with various co-benefits :
- Contribute to the restoration of biodiversity, sustainable management of water resources, local communities and their development, locally and/or internationally,
- Enhance the value of your actions to your employees, customers and funders,
- Ensure the sustainability of your activity and your company.